Bee Power Raw Organic Honey is collected straight from hives in Central West NSW is unpasteurised, unprocessed and unfiltered, packed full of all the natural goodness raw honey has to offer!
Bee Power honey is so pure that it retains some of the propolis, wax and pollen which are extremely beneficial for your health and wellbeing. The honey is produced and extracted at a very low temperature to retain the maximum level of live enzymes, nutrients, vitamins and minerals found naturally in honey.
Certified Raw Organic Honey is harvested and produced under ACO regulations.
Bee power is organic because hives are situated in dense national park bushland with at leat a 10 kilometres radius of bushland, away from food crops and wineries where the plants may be sprayed. Bees will only fly around 6 kilometres from their hive.
Australian made
Raw Organic Honey (ACO Certified)
Due to the natural state, this honey may candy over time, place jar in warm water or out in the sun to liquefy again.