Organic T4U Organic Licorice Root is woody and herbaceous, sweet on the tongue and gentle on the stomach.
We may as well be up-front: licorice root isn’t for everyone. If you don’t enjoy the sharp aniseed-y zing of black licorice, you probably won’t like licorice root tea. Which is a shame, because licorice root has dozens of potential health benefits. Ancient Egyptians brewed it as a cure-all, and it’s been used to treat everything from stomach ulcers and heartburn to eczema and stress. Brewing a pot is easy: just add two teaspoons of licorice root to boiling water and sweeten with honey or sugar.
Origin: Egypt.
Ingredients: Organic Licorice Root.
Serving suggestion: Add 1-2 teaspoons and brew in 90-95ºC water for 5-6 minutes. Strain and sweeten with honey or sugar.